Dou Dou the autism child (main character)

Color planning, sketches and character design

Front book cover review

Story page with hand writing Chinese font

Inner page mock up 01

Inner page mock up 02

Inner page mock up 03
Special Xiao Dou Dou is written by Mrs. Ong Bee Leng in mandarin and also called 特别的小豆豆. These story was inspired by her elder son Victor Cheah; he is an autism child. She shared her story based on her experience as a mother and she is like other ordinary mother who struggles the walk with autism child in the early years. The objective of this story is to bring awareness, support and encouragement to families and parents. Together they are not alone and there is hope to grow together with autism children.
Dou Dou the autism child (main character)
Front book cover review
Story page with hand writing Chinese font
Inner page mock up 01
Inner page mock up 02
Inner page mock up 03